
CreativeCMS for business owners, marketers and developers

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Business owners

Future proof your business by taking control over your website. 

Business owners
  • Nothing to download install or keep updated.
  • Automated system upgrades and bug fixes.
  • No more security vulnerabilities from plugins, we don’t use them.
  • Intuitive user interface for business owners, marketers and developers alike.
  • A suit of tools included catering for routine content publishing activities.
  • No code content publishing, easy for non-technical content publishers.
  • Empower your team to work simultaneously on your website.
  • User and role management controlling access to sensitive data.

Routine publishing activities

Easy to learn, no coding required.

Routine publishing activities
  • Page management.
  • Blogging.
  • WYSIWYG text editor.
  • Site tree content management.
  • Extensive range of content types.
  • Content and page previewing.
  • Content propagation.
  • Content scheduling.
  • Revision history.


Fast delivery, high performing website's with advanced natural search optimisation built-in.

  • Default responsive template.
  • Website tested for performance.
  • Content wireframing capabilities.
  • Built-in dynamic SEO features.
  • URL redirect management.
  • Dynamic XML sitemap.
  • No index, no follow any URL.
  • Form builder.
  • Google Analytics tracking.
  • Site search.


Unbridled control over every aspect of your website, should you need it.

  • Full access to website templates.
  • Page templates.
  • Content templates.
  • Content types.
  • Scripts.
  • Themes images.
  • Portal management of multiple websites.
  • Export/Import component data.
  • API integration with 3rd party services.

Technical infrastructure

Cloud-native CMS with unlimited scalability, if required.

Technical infrastructure
  • Hosted on Google Cloud.
  • Advanced CDN for all digital assets.
  • Dedicated email delivery service.
  • Globally cached API and content.
  • Decoupled content management.
  • Unlimited infrastructure scalability.
  • HTTPS only connections enforced.
  • Load balanced and continually monitored.


Ensuring your data is safe and secure is our utmost priority.

  • HTTPS certificate included with all sites at no extra cost.
  • Robust security provided by our trusted service providers.
  • Date encryption by default, at rest and in transit.
  • Daily database backups with 90 day retention.
  • DDOS attacks trapped and blocked globally.


Ongoing expert help and guidance as and when required.

  • Onboarding packages.
  • Ongoing training & consultation.
  • Flexible service agreements.
  • Optional support hotline.

CreativeCMS has proven to be a fantastic asset to our business.

Navillus Print Gifts

Richard Sullivan
Business owner

Having CreativeCMS as our web manager is like having real skills and expertise on hand only when you need it. We can't praise them enough.

Fly Spain

Rob Mansley
Business Owner

CreativeCMS is very user friendly and the system has certainly saved us a lot of unnecessary expense. We would have no hesitation in recommending the system.

Big Brand Beds

Stephen Vokins
Business owner

Your platform for creativity

Optimum website performance for business owners, developers and marketers without creative boundaries.

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